Friday, June 25, 2004

oooh! i new one!

I'm sure everyone who actually goes on this site (which is me.. and would of read the FAB jokes that gus made up (well... some she did). the mistress of all shite jokes has once again shocked the world!
She has made a 'part B.' to the joke about the chicken and the lamb.. its a tacky one.. :-)
Why did the lamb cross the road?
Because it murdered the chicken! (erm.. haha...)

Why did the pig cross the road?
Because it was arresting the lamb! (erm.. )


Blogger Fin said...

What brilliant jokes.... I will be sure to tell them to whoever I can!!! ;)

2 July 2004 at 12:32  
Blogger Blogger said...

Hahahahah! thats actually quite a good 'un! lol

26 August 2004 at 16:25  

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