Friday, September 03, 2004

As now a fully-fledged member of the oldest (and apparently the scariest, according to the small year seven students on the same bus as myself) year in the school, i feel obliged to make a small announcement. the fact that there is now a complete and utter madness between the teachers is unacceptable. i don't see why, just because 'we' are the oldest students present, we have to be the ones to set a good example, when as it seems, they have set themselves a good enough example as it is! Also i have a lot of worries about the new catering group. The food is actually atrocious, and the prices have risen enormously! I think it's a rip-off that if you want a baguette or a sandwich for lunch, kids like us have to now pay over £1 for a sandwich and and over £1.50 for half a baguette! It's not fair to try and use us like consumers of the country, as if we have jobs of our own(i mean most of us do, but it's not the point - we can't afford to spend more than necessary on food rather than something more important like clothes.. or... CD's.. or.. books!)!


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